
Neurocat provides innovative solutions to ensure safety compliance and comprehensive data coverage of AI systems in the automotive and mobility sector. Through our aidkit software we enable companies to identify vulnerabilities and data gaps in their perception models in order to mitigate risk across the different ODD scenarios their ADAS and ADS systems will encounter. 


In addition to being a guide for additional data collection, aidkit users can directly import generated artefacts for model retraining and generate new ODD scenarios to discover unanticipated interaction effects and correlations. By integrating all these component tests directly into our clients’ MLOps workflow aidkit ensures maximum performance during system tests and eventual on-time deployment. 


As a leader and communitycontributor to ML robustness (DIN SPEC 92001-1/92001-2) and automotive AI safety standardization (ISO/AWI PAS 8800) our aidkit tool is always updated to help our clients meet their regulatory obligations and customers’

expectations. AI is changing the way the world moves; neurocat and aidkit move your AI into the world.