A | Sensor Fusion Stream | Case Study
Tuesday, March 18
08:30 AM - 09:00 AM
Live in Berlin
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The introduction of drive-by-wire capabilities as well as autonomous driving impose in automotive industry the need for vehicle systems to remain operational even in case of critical failures. This so-called fail-operational behavior or in terms of ISO26262 the safety-related availability are important to reach a safe state. We will investigate the challenges associated with the transition from traditional fail-safe approaches and explore effective solutions for key sensor elements in drive-by-wire systems and radar sensors used in autonomous driving. The session will include an analysis of the requirements from Functional Safety standards, particularly ISO 26262, and strategies for achieving compliance. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of redundancy and the justification for ensuring sufficient independence among system components or even within a system component. This talk aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the necessary concepts and practices for ensuring safety-related availability in modern automotive technology. In this session, you will:
Dr. Stefan Schinzer is the Head of Global Product Safety for the product groups Electronic Power Steering and Components at Forvia Hella. He is involved from point of view of Functional Safety in the driver-by-wire activities such as steering sensors or brake pedal. After his PHD in physics in 1999 he worked as test manager and SW project manager for a logistic company. Since 2006 he has worked in automotive supplier and joined Hella as safety manager beginning of 2016.
The Pop in Your Job – What drives you? Why do you love your job?
I am fascinated by the impact of electronics and software on vehicle development and vehicle functionalities. Even small components like our sensors are enabling new functionalities. The combination of deep technical discussion for our own products and the relation with vehicle functionalities which are impacting the way how people will drive in future make it so interesting.