

B | Validation & Verification Stream | Solution Study

Monday, March 17

11:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Live in Berlin

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Strategies based on Digital Twins and Software Defined Vehicles are echoing through every automotive industry hallway these days. Less prominently covered are the inherent – often missing – structural changes and tools required to support the development and validation steps of these strategies. In automotive radar, perception is crucial to the sensor’s value-add in ADAS/AD functionality. Underlying assumptions for the perception models used for functionality need to be validated against variants of physical sensor frontends, bumper designs, mounting positions, etc. Digital Twins of these variants are often missing, and field-testing is the measure of choice for quality and safety assurance of ADAS/AD functionality. We are now showing three major steps of perception model creation, robustness testing, and ground truth validation based on a pedestrian perception case study, using the unique Keysight, lab-based, over-the-air radar test environment. In this talk, you will:

  • Discover the importance of structural changes and tools for supporting advanced automotive technologies
  • Get a better understanding of the critical role of perception in AD systems
  • Learn about the challenges in validating perception models against real-world factors


Sven Leitsch

Program Manager Autonomous Drive Emulation, Keysight Technologies Deutschland GmbH

With a B.Sc. in electrical engineering and economics, Sven founded a company enabling companies to drive logistics with AI. He later worked in the automotive industry developing and ultimately managing test solutions for V2X. Currently, Sven is managing the Autonomous Drive Emulation program development as part of Keysight’s Automotive and Energy Solutions.


Keysight Technologies Deutschland GmbH

Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS) delivers advanced design and validation solutions that help accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world. Keysight’s dedication to speed and precision extends to software-driven insights and analytics that bring tomorrow’s technology products to market faster across the development lifecycle, in design simulation, prototype validation, automated software testing, and hardware-in-the-loop environment. Whether you seek to bring breakthroughs in technology for electric vehicles from the grid to the road or emulate real-world testing into your lab with radar and cameras to lidar sensor technologies. Keysight empower designers and engineers to prove that their mission-critical systems are safe, by validating and demonstrating accuracy and dependability with the best simulation and test solutions.
