Solution Study
Monday, March 17
06:00 PM - 06:30 PM
Live in Berlin
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Representative and reliable data is essential for ADAS/AD development, particularly in perception and machine learning tasks. Moreover, future homologation and certification of ADAS/AD functions will demand even more real-world data. While collecting and digitizing real-world driving scenarios is indispensable, it remains a time- and cost-intensive process. AVL solutions support the optimization of data collection from the outset, covering efficient campaign planning, hardware setup, and data logistics. The process begins with precise route planning to effectively cover the required Operational Design Domain. Vehicles are then equipped with the necessary hardware and software to capture raw data. A robust and reliable data collection setup, combined with seamless campaign execution, is crucial for enabling real-time insights and informed decision-making during data collection. However, state-of-the-art sensors generate vast amounts of data, necessitating efficient processing to extract meaningful scenarios. Additionally, the digitalization of both dynamic and static scenario elements plays a key role in maximizing the value of collected data.
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Thomas Mauthner isDepartment Manager Real-World ADAS/AD Solutions at AVL List GmbH in Graz, Austria. He studied Telematics at the Graz University of Technology (TUG) before joining the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision at TUG for his PhD (Dr. techn.) in Informatics. He worked in research and academy, with a proven track record of conference and journal publications, before going into industry in 2015. Since 2018 he is with AVL List GmbH and worked within several ADAS/AD engineering projects. In 2024, he became the department manager for real-world ADAS/AD solutions, overseeing toolchain development and adaptation for customer projects, with a focus on open-road and proving-ground data collection and processing.